Project Management
The Six Phases of Planning:
1 – Enthusiasm
2 – Confusion
3 – Disillusionment
4 – Seeking the guilty
5 – Punishing the non-guilty
6 – Rewarding the uninvolved
~Translated from a signed note in a German Army Signal School office, “”Die Sechs Phasen der Planung.
- Certifications:
- PMP – Project Management Professional from PMI
- CISA – Certified Information Systems Auditor
- CFE – Certified Fraud Examiner
- ECMp – Enterprise Content Manager Practitioner from AIIM
- EDP – Electronic Document Professional from Xplor International
- Some notable projects:
- Canadian Tax Reporting System
- Carribean Regulatory Reporting System
- PLUS Systems ATM Network
- Customer Selected PIN project
- Retail Lock Box project
- Conversion from DOS to VM
- Conversion from DOS to MVS
- Data Center migration from Montreal to Toronto
- Elimination of x Processing Center
- Outsourcing a full development and support department to offshore
- Consistently able to reduce head count and budgets
- Other – Professional:
- Contributed to PMBOK version 3 (of PMI)
- Was Board member of AIIM Canada chapter
- Was member of COBOL standards committee
- C and dBaseV programming instructor at George Brown College
- Work History / Resume:
- BLOGIC information Design Inc (OCN: 888199 – Incorporation date: March 1990)
All my consulting and contract work has been performed thru this incorporation where I am listed as the
sole director.
- Besides the contract works listed below, since retirement I have been working on
Integrated condominium corp. financial reporting and billing solution
Smart phone based order taking solution for wholesalers visiting small/independent retail stores
(variation of a shopping basket solution)
- RBC Financial Group (1991-2016) (Royal Trust/RBC/RBC Dexia/RBC IS/RBC Caribbean):
- Started on contract and then converted to full-time since November 2005 finally retired Jan/2016
- Programmer Analyst to Project leader to Project Manager to Senior Manager to Head of Application
Development and Maintenance for various solutions and implementations
- Banking to Tax Reporting to various Custody related applications and solutions. Some of my accomplishments are:
- Designed, coded, implemented and supported Tax Reporting system (T3, T4, T5, T5008, QI 1099 and QI 1042S) using COBOL/CICS/VSAM and AFP-Advanced Function Presentation to online feeding of tax forms for clients
- Integrated various client Trust statements to tax forms and created single integrated packages
- Developed AFP based tax forms printing system solution and converted in-house from using a service bureau
- Developed a working proof of concept integrated statement with cheque images by uploading to MVS from the capture server and attaching them to AFP statements. Conversion performed using Unix Systems Services space in MVS along with COBOL
- Developed MICR printing subsystem for Returned Cheque Vouchers to eliminate manual encoding (COBOL/CICS/C)
- Designed a solution and lead a team to calculate tiered interest from a consolidated family accounts (COBOL/CICS/DL1)
- Managed 2 teams based in Toronto and Luxembourg to deliver Basel-II for RBC Dexia
- Took over a red flagged Regulatory Reporting Project for multiple countries and delivered to timelines and budget (for RBCC)
- Developed a salary increase and compensation solution for RBC’s 19 country Caribbean operations
- Worked with IT auditors to solution various Level-1 and 2 reports to a number of systems including AML/ATF
- Client signature to display on teller screens (OS/2-C – 1994)
- RBC Caribbean-Head ADM-Application Development Maintenance (April/2013->January/2016)
- Managing a team of 133 staff across multiple jurisdictions and supporting some 165 application codes from core banking to channels to back-office enterprise support solutions.
- Also working with AMO-maintenance off-shoring model and refined for performance.
- RBC Investor Services (aka RBC Dexia) – Senior Manager – Reporting and Custody Systems (November 2005 -> March 2013)
- Managed a team of 50 staff which was later transitioned to an outsourced model
- Symcor: 1998-1999: Contract Y2K PM
- Initially worked on developing Y2K-proof solutions to various inhouse built or vendor procured Cheque
Tracing Apps
- Upon their successful deployments, I was made Team lead/PM of seemingly deadline risky Retail Lock Box
platform and Bulk Cheque Filing platforms. And both have been deployed on time with various creative
- Hudson’s Bay (1990): On contract
- Converted Order Entry system from VM/DOS-VSE to MVS – COBOL/Assembler/Environ1/TOTAL db.
- Lloyd’s Bank Canada: (1989-90) – Contract Programmer Analyst
- Enhancements to online/offline banking system (COFIS) to enable value dating of cheque deposits
- Enhancements to other batch systems as prioritized by the business units and IT
- CIBC – Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce: (1986-89) – Project Manager to Manager of Self-Service Banking and
ATM Systems
- As a PM, created a solution and implemented CIBC’s integration to global PLUS ATM network
- As a co-PM worked on initial solution creation for Customer Selected PINs instead of using the system
generated ones.
- MEC Canada – (1985-86) IT Manager: Direct marketing and list management company
- Undertook the migration of all systems from Montreal data center to new Toronto data center
- Developed AFP (Advanced Function Presentation) solutions to printing
- Continental Bank – (1982-85) Programmer Analyst to Manager of Banking Systems.
- Was hired during migration of banking systems from service bureau to inhouse. MVS/COBOL/CICS/DL1
- Supported and provided enhancements to Term Deposit, Loans and both offline and online baking systems (COFIS)
- Implemented DCF/Script based digital document system
- Ingram and Bell Ltd – (1981-82) Medical Supplies and Manufacturing firm
- Converted System 3 based Order Entry and Invoicing system (RPG-II) to VM/DOS-VSE COBOL ENVIRON/1
- Much earlier:
- Coded account exit routines for DOS/VS
- Performed SYSGEN for DOS/VS
- Developed interactive teller application for a smaller bank in SYSTEM/34 using COBOL instead of RPGII